Notes on Blogs I Read From 18th Sept to 30th Sept

📅 19-09-2019

☀ Codepen

📅 20-09-2019

🚀 new-es2019-javascript-features

🚀 bubble-vs-capture

  • With bubbling, the event is first captured and handled by the innermost element and then propagated to outer elements.
  • With capturing, the event is first captured by the outermost element and propagated to the inner elements.
  • -

👨‍💻 Repl

☀ Codepen

📅 23-09-2019

🚀 Modern React with Redux by Stephen Grider

Stephen Grider GitHub Code Rally Coding

🚀 Firebase Security on complete-react-developer-zero-to-mastery updated course

🚀 Flexbox Zombies

  • Chapter 10 & 11 Done.

📅 24-09-2019

🚀 Modern React with Redux by Stephen Grider

🚀 Flexbox Zombies

  • Chapter 12 Done.

📅 25-09-2019

🚀 Modern React with Redux by Stephen Grider

🚀 react-hooks

Making setInterval Declarative with React Hooks

📅 26-09-2019

📅 10-01-2019

📅 10-03-2019

🚀 Modern React with Redux by Stephen Grider

📅 10-04-2019

🚀 Modern React with Redux by Stephen Grider

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Created by Navin. He loves to learn, blog and develop new applications.
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